Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

The Seahawks had made it public that D.K Metcalf is OTB, and have received 4+ offers since that news was made public. He will be faced up against XF Derion Kendrick #1 that replaced the departed Ramsey. Does Kendrick have what it takes to cover the freak of nature? Metcalf was seen in the Coach’s office with TVD as they pleaded their case to play through the season with both starting. He said ” Coach, we know what you do… We know we can be that for you. Give us the oppourtunity to hit our stride, and we promise we will make you look like a genius to our fans!. Let’s use that high explosive offense you had in Chicago, and I bet you we will dominate the wild wild west!” Coach Outlawz had this to say “I don’t like to be held under 21 points, and our defense played their ass out to keep us in the game. We need the same from the offense, so yes we will put those trade talks to the side, but now I need you both to cash the check your mouth is cashing. Let’s do this tonight! Time to see what type of playcalling is called tonight, but expect lots of points on the scoreboard in LA.